I think I didn't express myself well last time but this will be the explanation, the other thing was the rules to follow so that there is an order in this ``event'' if I can put it that way...
Well let's start with the explanation:
What I want to do is literally this:
Many artists do collaborations like these and I didn't know they did
Before entering NG Asia this same thing with my colleagues who also drew and it was very fun to see how your OC was represented by the other person due to his style and the way he saw it.
Many good artists participate in collaborations like these but I wanted to be one with GOOD ARTISTS that I met here at NG, I wanted one with you and it would be wonderful to be able to do it
The characters that envy will have to be the image of 1000 by 1000 pixels, not 500 by 500, as I said before, something like this:
By the way, this is the character that I will use for this collab
I hope that with this you have understood
It's simple, for me I think so but I really want us all to work on this
--They are inside the collab(for now)--