Remove from the art portal
1 main reason
The person who scouted you had to unscouted you for some reason, and yeah, you have to do a lot of work to improve your art even better, remember having inconsistent artstyle can also be a risk to be unscouted
well, are you sure they got removed because they were bad? i dunno if the rules changed on me here but pieces of art can't be blammed off of the art portal. anyways, this could be just a sign that you should work your hardest to improve. good luck, and heres some guidelines i found that might help:https: //
good luck on your art journey, traveler
Thanks bro, believe me I try but drawing with the mouse is more difficult than it seems
The fact that I cannot advance because I am poor and do not have the necessary equipment for digital drawing is something that has traumatized me for some time and even so I keep trying.
I thought that on this platform they would understand that not everyone has the possibilities but THANK YOU
I should have read this a long time ago...